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Access the Great Books. From the Access Foundation and Encyclopedia Britannica. Links to many online "great books", not limited to philosophy.
Ancient and Medieval Texts in Philosophy and Theology. From The Labyrinth guide to medieval studies.
Akamac E-Text Links. Very thorough on the philosophers it covers.
Alex: A Catalog of Electronic Texts on the Internet. Not limited to philosophy.
APA List of Electronic Texts
Book Stacks Unlimited, Philosophy
Books On-Line. Not limited to philosophy, but a good philosophy collection appears near the top of this file. For convenience, jump to its title-search page.
Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities (CETH). Not a collection of texts, but of thinking and services about texts.
The Christian Classics Ethereal Library
The Classics Archive. Greek and Latin texts in English translation. Searchable.
Digital Text Projects. From the Columbia University Institute for Learning Technologies.
Eclectic Artistry Philosophy Library
Electronic Text Center. University of Virginia. Organized by language, not by field. Some philosophy among the literature.
Electronic Texts in Philosophy. Formerly comprehensive, but not updated since 1994.
Great Books. From Russ McNeil. Organized by period and author. Not limited to philosophy, but very thorough collection.
Greek Philosophy Archive. From David Knox.
Hanover College Philosophy Etext Links
Humanities Text Initiative. From the University of Michigan. Very little philosophy so far.
InteLex "Past Masters" Catalog. Commercial editions of full texts of classical works of philosophy. Titles and demo.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Text Collection. Contains many etexts not included elsewhere, prepared for this online encyclopedia.
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Searchable version of Norman Kemp Smith translation.
Dieter Köhler's Guide to Philosophical Etexts
Library of Bioethics and Medical Humanities Texts and Documents. From the Center for Clinical Ethics and Humanities in Health Care at the University of Buffalo.
Liverpool Guide to Philosophy Etexts
The Master Works of Western Civilization. Organized chronologically.
Materialism and Idealism: A Miniature Library of Philosophy. From Andy Blunden. Excerpted etexts especially on the subject of the relation of mind and matter.
Minerva Text Archive. A systematic effort to collect online philosophy texts. Searchable but not browsable.
OmniMedia's Links to Etexts. Links to etext sites of all kinds. Not limited to philosophy. Aims for completeness.
Online Library of Philosophy. From Ron Bombardi.
Online papers in philosophy
The Otis Index. Online book index, organized by author and title. Not limited to philosophy.
Oxford Text Archive. Supports full-text searching. Not limited to philosophy. No section on philosophy.
Perseus Project. Ancient Greek texts in Greek and English. Superb hypertext scholarly apparatus.
Philosophers Page. Searchable by philosopher, links to full texts. This link is either dead or temperamental. I'm checking it out.
The Philosophy Archives.
Philosophy Classics. From Jim Macdonald.
Philosophy Text Collection. From the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Philosophy Texts. Philosophy division of The English Server, Carnegie Mellon University.
The Political Philosophy Reading Room. Classical etexts organized by doctrine. From Stephen Moore.
Texts and Contexts. From Haakon Sorensen. Thorough collection of etexts (and related links) on major philosophers.
Valdosta Etext Archive
Wesleyan Chinese Philosophical Etext Archive
The Western Canon. Organized by period, author, and subject. For speed, jump directly to the page of philosophers.